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/ The SysOP's Companion / The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO / door_a_f / bbscr56.zip

Jump To: Image (16)  |  Text (11)  |  Other (4)

Images (16)

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARMOR.ASC Text File 17 1KB 1992-04-18
BBSLIST.ASC Text File 17 844b 1992-04-18
CRASH.BBS File List 100 5KB 1992-04-18
HA.ASC Text File 12 536b 1992-04-18
IBMMENU.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1992-04-18
REGISTER.FRM Text File 92 3KB 1992-04-18
SYSOP.DOC Text File 307 13KB 1992-04-18
VIRUS.ASC Text File 7 373b 1992-04-18
WEAPONS.ASC Text File 17 1KB 1992-04-18
WELCOME.ASC Text File 23 2KB 1992-04-18
WHATS.NEW Text File 18 656b 1992-04-18

Other Files (4)
BBSEDIT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1992-04-18
BBSINIT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1992-04-18
CRASH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1992-04-18
CRASH.SYS Unknown 521b 1992-04-18